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The Sales Funnel For Effective Online Marketing

Apr 26

The sales funnel has been a fundamental part of business and marketing for many years. It appears that the subject of funnels in Internet-based business is becoming more and more common.

Many people want to know more about the concept of marketing and the ways it could be used in their online business marketing efforts. Read on to find out more about the sales funnel and how it can be used to efficient Internet marketing.

The Sales Funnel: What exactly is it?

A marketing funnel is not an actual funnel. The marketing concept employs the term "funnel" to describe a sales process, from beginning to end. The term"funnel" is a term used to describe the process of selling because it has both a wider entry path for "Unqualified Prospects", and a smaller opening for converts in the lower part of the funnel.

These are what we call "unqualified prospects" at the top or entry of the funnel. They are people who might need your services or products, but have not been approached by you prior to. After a series of phone calls, sales and promotions later you've contacted people who have bought your product or services.

The effectiveness of a lead generation funnel is due to its ability to track the actions of your prospects throughout the expanded sales process. Utilizing the sales funnel to measure the number of qualified prospects at each step, you will be able to predict the number of potential customers who are likely to become customers.

The sales funnel allows you to determine where your sales process is not working and where it is being successful. It also helps you determine if your campaign isn't reaching the right customers. This information allows you to choose exactly the areas you need to focus your attention and work to keep sales at a necessary level and, in turn, fulfill marketing goals. It's used as a method to monitor and control the sales process of customers.

The Sales Funnel Top, Front or End

The uppermost part of your sales funnel is going to be the most active area of your process and requires the most constant testing. You'll discover virtually limitless front-end strategies that are limited only by your imagination and resources.

The main objective of the front-end is going to be to attract potential clients and convert to buyers later on in the selling process.

A potential customer is "qualified" when they sign up for the product or service you offer. This is when the prospective customer, or "Unqualified Prospect", becomes an "qualified lead. They've taken a step that shows that they may be interested in your product or service.

For your front-end to be effective you must be able to bring targeted traffic to your site blog, website, or squeeze pages. PPC advertisements, articles for marketing PPC advertisements, social media such as Google+, Twitter and Facebook, YouTube, banners as well as blogging, forum posting and content marketing are all excellent sources.

You'll find that there are a variety of tools available that can be used to "qualify" the "Unqualified prospect". One of the most effective ways to qualify prospects is by creating an online squeeze page. It allows you to provide something valuable to your product that users can receive for free, or at a significantly reduced price, in exchange for their email address and name. There are many products available, including newsletters, videos, email courses, eBooks, and related reports.

The front end of your sales funnel is the point where potential customers are attracted to you. What happens to the back-end of your sales funnel?


The End of the Funnel, or The Back-End

The bottom or back-end of your sales funnel is the place where most profits and sales are generated. It typically contains your highest priced products. They are usually relevant to the exact same market, but in different formats, such as video or audio, live interaction, or private consultation.

The primary distinction between the front-end service and the back end is the type or price of the customer.

It's the case that only a small percentage, perhaps 1 to 2 percent of the total number of people who enter your front-end, will end up in your back-end. This is due to a small few will invest a greater amount of funds.

It's clear that while front-end products or services are priced below $100, back end products and/or services are often priced between the 100s and 1000s. This makes the top of the funnel, or the back-end, the primary source for revenue for your Internet business. It is also the most predictable and stable area in the sales process.

Like I said the sales funnel can be as easy or complex as your imagination or resources allow.

Below is a link that will give further details on my approach to content marketing.

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